Hello and welcome to my website

Please peruse at your leisure I hope you enjoy what you see and the creativity that goes into my work.

If there are any questions you’d like to ask or any thing you’d like to chat about please feel free to contact me.


I think about my carvings then I carve my thinkings.

leaving our mark. Weather its a slight scratch of the scriber or the heavy tooling with claw or punch we are leaving our mark that will outlast our time and millennia to come.

With stone I use the method of direct carving getting stuck into carving straight into the stone.

My ideas are mainly things that come to me whilst working, travelling about or when you finally sit down and take five after a hard day.

I don’t usually work in themes and usually pick one of the ideas that have been floating around for a while.

Sometimes it’s hard as you get flooded with inspiration and ideas and cannot wait to start the next thing before finishing the job in hand. It’s always great to start a sculpture carving and see it start to develop, sometimes staying with the original idea or adapting as you go along, sometimes it can depend on the materials or just getting inspired to go in a new direction.

There is a real beauty to stone, the colours, the different finishes, texture and grain. It’s a very versatile material and can be repurposed giving it new life and form.

My working life has been a a mixture of working between construction mainly using stone and masonry which ever has provided a living and put bread on the table as has been done for centuries.

I prominently work in stone but sometimes with the sculptural work I incorporate other materials and sometimes I might have a dabble with clay either to make a model to see how an idea may look or might just jump in an create a finished clay piece.


I’m slowly trying to move in a new direction combining my skills and experience and developing my work by moving into a more sculptural arena. The nature of my work has always been physically demanding, working in all weathers, but I have been lucky to have spent most of my time in the fresh air… great outdoors, always enjoying my work.